1. What accounts for a significant portion of data breaches?
2. What risk is associated with the portability of data storage media such as flash drives?
3. What is anonymized data?
4. What is reidentification of data?
5. How long do ISPs need to retain records under the Electronic Communication Transactional Records Act?
6. Are most American firms' data collection and retention policies about notice or control?
7. What is the concern regarding a longer data retention period?
8. What is cloud computing?
9. List three types of data breaches.
10. What are some consequences of data breaches?
11. What is metadata?
12. Give an example of metadata.
13. List three reasons why an ISP might be subpoenaed to reveal a subscriber's identity.
14. What is "data retention"?
15. Where do most U.S. companies disclose their online data collection and retention policies?
16. What is the greatest risk associated with data retention?
17. How long must ISPs retain log records upon request from a government agency and what statute mandates this?


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